من كتابهم المدراش: هاجر عليها السلام ابنة فرعون مصر!! وقد حررتها
فى كتاب اليهود المدراش Midrash وردت هذه النصوص:-
بسبب حبه الشديد لها تزوج الفرعون ساره بعقد كتابى معطيا لها كل ما يمتلك فى هيئة ذهب وفضه وعبيد وجوارى ومقاطعة الجوشن والتى سكن بها فيما بعد احفاد ساره لانها كانت ملكا لهم. والمذهل ان الفرعون اعطاها ابنته هاجر كجاريه لانه فضل ان تكون ابنته خادمة ساره عن ان تكون سيدة فى حريم آخر.
In the love he bore Sarah, he wrote out
a marriage contract, deeding to her all he owned in the way of gold and silver, and men slaves and women slaves, and the province of Goshen besides, the province occupied in later days
by the descendants of Sarah, because it was their property. Most remarkable of all, he gave her his own daughter Hagar as slave, for he preferred to see his daughter the servant of Sarah to
reigning as mistress in another harem.[74
وبدون اى بادرة من غيرة كانت سارة على استعداد ان تعطى جاريتها هاجر لابراهيم كزوجه لان هاجر كانت ملك لها لا لزوجها وقد تسلمتها من والدها الفرعون والد هاجر . وقد تربت وتعلمت على يد ساره وسارت فى نفس طريق التقوى كسيدتها وهكذا فكانت افضل رفيق لابراهيم ...
Without a trace of jealousy she
was ready to give her slave Hagar to Abraham as wife,[117] first
making her a freed woman.[118] For Hagar was Sarah's property,
not her husband's. She had received her from Pharaoh, the father
of Hagar. Taught and bred by Sarah, she walked in the same path
of righteousness as her mistress,[119] and thus was a suitable
companion for Abraham....
فى كتاب اليهود المدراش Midrash وردت هذه النصوص:-
بسبب حبه الشديد لها تزوج الفرعون ساره بعقد كتابى معطيا لها كل ما يمتلك فى هيئة ذهب وفضه وعبيد وجوارى ومقاطعة الجوشن والتى سكن بها فيما بعد احفاد ساره لانها كانت ملكا لهم. والمذهل ان الفرعون اعطاها ابنته هاجر كجاريه لانه فضل ان تكون ابنته خادمة ساره عن ان تكون سيدة فى حريم آخر.
In the love he bore Sarah, he wrote out
a marriage contract, deeding to her all he owned in the way of gold and silver, and men slaves and women slaves, and the province of Goshen besides, the province occupied in later days
by the descendants of Sarah, because it was their property. Most remarkable of all, he gave her his own daughter Hagar as slave, for he preferred to see his daughter the servant of Sarah to
reigning as mistress in another harem.[74
وبدون اى بادرة من غيرة كانت سارة على استعداد ان تعطى جاريتها هاجر لابراهيم كزوجه لان هاجر كانت ملك لها لا لزوجها وقد تسلمتها من والدها الفرعون والد هاجر . وقد تربت وتعلمت على يد ساره وسارت فى نفس طريق التقوى كسيدتها وهكذا فكانت افضل رفيق لابراهيم ...
Without a trace of jealousy she
was ready to give her slave Hagar to Abraham as wife,[117] first
making her a freed woman.[118] For Hagar was Sarah's property,
not her husband's. She had received her from Pharaoh, the father
of Hagar. Taught and bred by Sarah, she walked in the same path
of righteousness as her mistress,[119] and thus was a suitable
companion for Abraham....